Automobile Systems
Each system is a set of interdependent parts fulfilling a specific function and capable of functioning on its own.
1) automobile systems: main parts
A vehicle is composed of basic mechanical parts and devices making up its systems; each of them fulfills a specific function.
2) Fuel Supply System
Set of components supplying the fuel to the engine.
3) Transmission System
Set of components transmitting the motion produced by the motor to the wheels.
4) Suspension System
Set of components that joins the wheels to the vehicle’s body while reducing shocks caused by the road’s unevenness and improving the hold on the road.
5) Braking System
Set of components that reduce the vehicle’s speed, eventually to a halt, and keep it in place while parked.
6) Steering System
Set of components that direct the front wheels to guide the vehicle as it moves.
7) Gasoline Engine
Engine in which a mixture of air and gasoline is compressed and ignited to produce an explosion whose energy is converted into mechanical energy.
8) Cooling System
Set of components that prevents the temperature of the engine from rising excessively.
9) Electrical System
Set of components supplying the necessary current for starting the vehicle and operating its electric accessories.
10) Exhaust System
Set of components designed to expel the engine’s burned gases into the ambient air.
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