LOOK THIS Beautiful 704 crores worth library in Helsinki, Finland
Oodi Helsinki Central Library
Oodi occupies a hugely significant site in central Helsinki. Oodi has a peaceful open-plan reading room on the upper floor that has been nicknamed “book heaven”, but books only fill one third of the space within the library.

ALA ArchitectsLocation
Töölönlahdenkatu, 00100 Helsinki, FinlandLead Architects
ALA ArchitectsMain contractor
17250.0 m2Project Year
Tuomas Uusheimo
By reducing on-site storage and consulting library-users on how they access culture, the designers and librarians of Oodi have been able to introduce facilities including a café, restaurant, public balcony, movie theatre, audio-visual recording studios and a makerspace.
This is representative of broader experimentation within Finnish libraries to offer new services in addition to loaning books.

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